Donations and fines are an important element of our work. They also enable us to help those who fall through the social net or suddenly find themselves in need. In addition, since its foundation 150 years ago, IN VIA has always courageously tackled situations where we recognised new need but no help had yet been established. However, this pioneering spirit also means that we continue to develop meaningful and necessary services where regular and institutionalised support is not yet established. We can only do this with your donations.
We will be happy to advise you on your donation!
We would be happy to consider this with you,
- if you would like to combine a milestone birthday with an appeal for donations,
- are looking for a meaningful purpose for a bazaar,
- are looking for a specific project that you would like to support on a regular basis,
- are thinking about a memorial donation in favour of IN VIA,
- or want to donate to a social cause on the occasion of a company anniversary.
IN VIA München e.V. is a registered non-profit organisation. Donations to us are therefore tax-deductible. If you provide your address, you will receive a donation receipt promptly for each donation.
Donation account: IN VIA München, Liga Bank München, IBAN: DE98 7509 0300 0000 7766 88, BIC: GENODEF1M05
If you have to decide on fines and allocations, we guarantee fast processing and immediate notification of incoming payments or late payments. The money goes to people in emergency and crisis situations, whom we help to help themselves in order to be able to live on their own again.