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IN VIA München

Respekt Coaches


At the parliamentary breakfast of the Youth Migration Services (JMD) in Berlin.



At the parliamentary breakfast, Members of Parliament were able to see for themselves how the work of the Respect Coaches is effective in schools. They assured the JMD of their support for sustainable funding of the programme.
One of the main objectives of the JMD Respekt Coaches programme, which the youth migration services have been implementing in schools for five years, is: Making democracy tangible for pupils. Around 600 schools at 270 locations in Germany are involved in the programme. Last year, more than 150,000 pupils took part in workshops, working groups and projects organised by the Respekt Coaches.

Our series of workshops dealt with a topic with local relevance: for over a year, we worked with two year groups on the incidents surrounding the racist attack at Munich's Olympic shopping centre in 2016. Also on board: various political education providers, who examined key topics with the young people: How does bullying work? How does someone become radicalised? How is fake news spread? In a conversation with the relative of one of the attack victims, the young people discussed their perspective and showed their respect.

Patron Hakan Demir (MdB) spoke out in favour of continuous support for the JMD Respekt Coaches programme.

(shortened and translated) Text and images: Servicebüro Jugendmigrationsdienste

More under: https://www.jugendmigrationsdienste.de/aktuelles-termine/aktuelles/detail/einigkeit-beim-parlamentarischen-fruehstueck-jmd-programm-respekt-coaches-braucht-dauerhafte-perspektive